
  •   1876年,一对母女独自在一个偏远的牧场上,与一群残忍的亡命之徒为生存而战。
  •   在電影《屍降》中,描述一群宗教心靈協會信眾舉辦喚魂儀式,想把死去的教徒喚回人世;不料卻意外招來孤魂野鬼…
  • 灵异星期二:恐怖无极限

      Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horr…
  • After surviving the slaughter of her entire squad in a drug raid compromised by dirty cops, anti-narcotics…
  • 科幻大师雷·布拉德伯雷的经典小说《华氏451》(Fahrenheit451)将被HBO拍成电视电影,这不是该书第一次拍电影了,…
  • 一位富裕的公子哥成天无所事事,好像已经放弃了理想,迷失了自我;而他的女仆却踌躇满志、努力生活着。当两人生活…
  • Two women are on the run from the state police, with an abducted man on the back seat of their car.
  • One day, a buffalo that ran away from a butcher’s runs through the whole villag…