
  • The young daughter of a tough, female ex-agent is held ransom for the giving over of a top secret informat…
  •  A strained suburban familys Thanksgiving is disrupted by a gang of vicious vag…
  • Discovering that sharks are being hunted to extinction, and with them the destruction of our life support …
  • 市长为了掌控大权,对俄罗斯暴民敞开大门,很快他就发现这些俄罗斯人并不会遵守他的规则,为了牵制这些俄罗斯人,…
  • Three terrifying tales to keep you awake all night: ‘Night of the Sea Monkey’, …
  • 福尔摩斯和华生来到加拿大的魁北克出席加拿大皇家上流社会的秘密会议。然而,他们发现自己被卷入了一系列可怕的谋…
  • 美国军方正在跟某秘密实验室合作培植转基因战士。这类非法战士被封闭在一个秘密的小岛上,由专人看管。女记者瓦拉…
  • 美国军方正在跟某秘密实验室合作培植转基因战士。这类非法战士被封闭在一个秘密的小岛上,由专人看管。女记者瓦拉…