
  • 每当夏季将要结束的时候,新泽西某个基督教社区的孩子们都要参加一项集体活动。他们会被带领着远离尘嚣进入森林中…
  • A man convinced that Lucifer was within him brutally murdered his wife and child in satanic sacrifice. Now…
  • This soulful and heartfelt celebration of 50 years of the funky and fabulous New Orleans Jazz & Herita…
  • 杰西一家人都是心怀仁慈的教友信徒,他们的信条是:不能杀人。不料美国爆发南北战争,杰西的大儿子乔许为保疆卫土…
  • 因为一起意外悲剧,寡妇贝丝带着两岁大的儿子劳文,来到一幢遗世独立的海边小屋,试图缓解失去丈夫的伤痛,诡异难…
  • A group of friends get stranded in a seemingly deserted small town and find themselves stalked by a violen…
  • 12個彼此互相不認識的男女被關在一個房間內,被迫玩一個隨時都會讓自己喪命於此的死亡遊戲,而最終的倖存者只會有…
  •   A couple buy a beautiful home in an upper-class neighbourhood where a murder…