
  • 《No Good Nick》讲述了十三岁的妮可(妮可儿的昵称)的故事,她是一个深谙街头规矩的行骗高手,城府很深,并且有…
  • 年輕的單親媽美樂蒂在一名專橫的老闆手下擔任製作助理,老闆要她找出消失了十年的鋼琴家麥克格林莫,並說服他辦一…
  • Riley struggles to meet friends after transferring to a new high school where her father is an English tea…
  • 一晃十年过去,地球人和虫族的战争如火如荼,愈演愈烈。某日,空军元帅奥玛阿诺克(斯蒂芬霍根 Stephen Hoga…
  • Cheyenne,一个濒临破产的年轻女记者,最后决定离开巴黎,搬到乡下。可她却撇下自己在巴黎一所高中教物理化学的同…
  • 荷比邊境村莊的仲夏,八名少男少女在各種法律漏洞間玩起大冒險,用性與肉 體嘲弄社會的道德價值觀,用各種誇張行…
  • A struggling photographer gets more than he bargained for, discovering the truth of what his new camera is…
  • 1774, a few years before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin... Madame de Dumeval,…