The film is a modern-day film noir in which the sardonic, ginsoaked detective contends with an odd cast of characters while tailing a mysterious, middle-aged man traveling with a Mexican boy from Chicago to Los Angeles. …
The film is a modern-day film noir in which the sardonic, ginsoaked detective contends with an odd cast of…
A romantic comedy movie about two senior high school boys, who, through the help of a fortune teller, find each other at an optional school retreat called Journey…
A romantic comedy movie about two senior high school boys, who, through the …
The mother loves her daughter; the daughter loves her mother. The tragedy of misunderstood love. The adaptation of Magda Szabó's novel translated into twelve languages.
The mother loves her daughter; the daughter loves her mother. The tragedy of misunderstood love. The adapt…
A young mother attempts to pick up the pieces after a horrible accident damages her memory, but she soon begins to suspect that her husband's indiscretions are what caused her suffering and her whole family might sti…
A young mother attempts to pick up the pieces after a horrible accident damages her memory, but she soon b…