
  •   一种致命传染病蔓延全球,引发一连串战争和暴动,造成无数人死亡。社会崩坏后倖存下来的人们,开始过著争夺资…
  • 圆梦2021

      The movie stars Sam, 18, an aspiring musician that just lost her older siste…
  • Several characters including medical personnel and food-delivery riders, play their part in Malaysia's…
  • Is your smart phone making you stupid? Can you make yourself cleverer? The Great British Intelligence Test…
  • Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech compan…
  • 英国人每年在食品杂货上的消费达1900亿英镑,生产商和超市当然不会放过如此大的商机,有时采用的促销手段并不光彩…
  • 1985年,那时正是美苏两极争霸越演越烈的年代,史泰龙自导自演的洛基系列也出到了第四集,这一系列影片旨在振奋人…
  • A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles…