
  • The celebrated French police series returns for a third season, darker and sharper than ever, in Spiral: T…
  •   兩男兩女,四個年輕的莫斯科人前往阿爾泰泛舟。但片中主角在這與世隔絕的地方完全無法放鬆享受,反而是必須為…
  • Following her mother’s death and a painful divorce Annie and her daughter move …
  • 聚焦杰弗瑞·爱波斯坦事件的Netflix 4集纪录剧集《杰弗瑞·爱波斯坦:肮脏的财富》(JeffRey Epstein: F…
  • 该剧集利用粉丝写给名人的信件,回顾这些极具影响力的人的生活。出镜的名人包括奥普拉·温弗瑞、格洛丽亚·斯泰纳…
  • Indian classical singer Radhe and pop star Tamanna. Despite their contrasting personalities, the two set o…
  • HBO购得梦龙乐队纪录片《信仰者》(Believer,同名单曲大热)的电视播放权,将于圣丹斯电影节首映,暑期播出,汉斯…
  •  A nurse finds herself in a dark and mysterious world.