
  • 圣诞节的家庭聚会上,年轻情侣斯特凡和海科向父母宣布他们购买了一艘船,决定环游世界。他们一路欢声笑语,领略各…
  • A group of friends attempt to repair their strained relationship by celebrating a birthday at a remote des…
  • 在思考这部电影时,脑海中浮现出几个词:陈词滥调、矫揉造作、令人迷惑不解等等。在大多数悬疑惊悚片中,观众发现…
  • 新年到来之际,伊莲(Eva Birthistle 饰)和丈夫约拿(Stephen Campbell Moore 饰)带着三个孩子凯茜(Han…
  • Henry Long desperately seeks a cure for the condition that leaves him unable to feel physical pain.
  • 80s inspired John Carpenteresque Action. A young woman is forced to push past her worst fears and battle t…
  • 比尔米勒是一个不成功的百老汇演员,直到他的经纪人说服他加强他的表演与傀儡罗杰斯,一个家伙定位在观众成为比尔…
  • 伦敦的夜晚最近很不平静,有三位女子在深夜被杀害,她们的手指也被切去了,这引起了很大的轰动。在警察加紧追查的…