
  • The patients and staff of a secluded heroin treatment center must do battle with more than their own demon…
  • When a psychiatric doctor researches a young girls diary to find out why she murdered her entire family, h…
  • 泰国喜剧爱情电影《友情以上》,影片由《天才抢手》原班制作团队操刀,《音为爱》导演查亚诺普·布恩帕拉科执导,…
  • Henry Long desperately seeks a cure for the condition that leaves him unable to feel physical pain.
  • 两名受雇于政府的菁英杀手在东南亚重逢,心狠手辣冷酷无情的两人,势必将掀起一场腥风血雨的杀戮战争!
  • 娜迪亞和阿德安同床共枕多年後決定離婚,但很快他們就發現,這棟他們在經濟正好、兩人依舊甜蜜時分攤買下的美麗房…
  • After a violent altercation, a runaway youth goes on the lam with a charming beach dweller offering an eas…
  • 一个隐居的电子游戏厅维修技术员经历了奇怪的生物力学突变和克罗南伯格的幻觉,当一个神秘的新游戏机出现在他的商…